Kempo Ryu Karate Championships – March 17, 2024

KIMAA’s Turramurra Dojo had two participants compete in the Kempo Ryu Karate Championships on Sunday March 17th.

Sempai Josh Darley and Trent Lim both competed in the Full Contact Open Adult Lightweight Division. Shihan James Sidwell led the KIMAA delegation, with Sensei Ben Ng and Sempai Angus Sweeney also acting as coaches and support.

Trent fought two fights, giving great gusto in each bout despite losing both fights.

Sempai Josh dominated his division, winning First place.

Hanshi Howard Lipman commended both fighters for their efforts on the day, and offered congratulations to Sempai Josh for his win.

Budo Challenge – 30 September – 1 October, 2023

Students of Lismore Dojo competed in kata and kumite at the Gold Coast Budo Challenge on the weekend of 30 September – 1 October, 2023.

The full team comprised Evelyn Wyatt, Annabelle Davis, Zac Curran, Letitia Bolton, James Sun, Paige Duncan, Zarni McGregor, Jackson Wirasa, Kate Waspe and James Waste.

On the Saturday was the kata competition. KIMAA Little Lions competed at a variety of grade lavels. Lismore head instructor Sensei Mark McFadden was a judge for the kata divisions. There were some very large divisions and strong competition – well done to all. The placements in the kata division were:

  • Zarni McGregor, 1st place
  • Paige Duncan, 3rd place
  • Jackson Wirasa, 3rd place

The next morning was the kumite component of the tournament, with Little Lions fronting up again to the mats. Sempai Trish Tan and Sempai Scott Bettridge were kumite referees. Sensei Wally Gray and Sempai Letitia Bolton coached the fighters.

It was a great day of kumite for the Lismore team. Placements in the karateka’s respective divisions included:

  • Jackson Wirasa, 1st place
  • Paige Duncan, 1st place
  • James Waspe, 1st place
  • Kate Waspe, 2nd place
  • Zarni McGregor, 2nd place

All showed great determination in their fights. Videos of their fights are available in the North Coast Kyokushin Karate Facebook page (for members only). Congratulations to all who represented KIMAA at this tournament – they did their dojo and the organisation proud.

KIKO Kata Tournament – June 4, 2023

The KIKO Kata Tournament on Sunday June 4th was a fantastic day for KIMAA Turramurra Dojo.

Hanshi Howard Lipman would like to thank Kancho Doug Turnbull for great day and congratulate all our students who entered from ages 6-16 years. We had 14 competitors, and 11 of these students either placed or won all their divsions in kata.

Thank you also to Shihan James Sidwell for assisting with kids on the day. Special mention goes to the youngest students Sophie and Ken, 6 years old and 7 years old, for as well as competing individually they also did synchronised kata together.

Congratulations to the following students for their results:

Kata 16 years & over Beginner/Intermediate
Ashley Kim – 2nd
Narmie Thambipillay – 3rd

Kata 13-15 years Advanced
Maia Brown – 1st

Kata 11-12 years Advanced
Ethan Kuo – 1st
Ryan Kuo – 3rd

Kata 8-10 years Beginner
Chloe Le Bescont – 1st
Christopher Paunescu – 2nd
Aimee Kim – 3rd

Kata 7 years & under Beginner/Intermediate
Mau An (Ken) Quang – 1st
Shivan Thambipillay – 2nd
Sophie Chan – 3rd

When you have trained with the rest, train with the best – KIMAA Turramurra Dojo.

Hanshi Howard Lipman
9th Dan Kyokushin
KIMAA Chairman

KIKO National Tournament – November 6, 2022

Karateka from Turramurra Dojo competed in Kancho Doug Turnbull’s KIKO tournament on Sunday November 6th, at Tempe Public School.

Rhoy and Shihan James.

Shihan James Sidwell represented KIMAA at the Officials Table, with Sensei Alex Lloyd and Sempai Matt Wolnizer as ringside coaches.

Rhoy Tarnate competed in the Males Adults Advanced/Black Belts Heavyweight, and Peter Zhu in the Males 10-12 years Beginners/Intermediate Over 50kg.

Both students fought well. Peter displayed great resilience in the face of some bigger opponents.

Rhoy powered through his fights, using his great strength to his advantage, placing Second at the end of the day. Well done to both Peter and Rhoy.

Gold Coast Budo Challenge – October 1-2, 2022

Sempai Patricia Tan with student Kate Waspe.

Over the first weekend of October 2022, karateka of Lismore Dojo competed at the Gold Coast Budo Challenge. The Challenge saw 178 competitors enter, with a focus on Kata on Saturday October 1st and Kumite on Sunday October 2nd. Competitors came from various Kyokushin organisations and other martial arts styles, locally and from far away as Perth.

The tournament was opened by the Japanese Consul, alongside Federal and State MPs. Competitors were led into the ring by Taiko drummers, and spectators were treated to a display of Taiko drumming. Throughout the event there were displays of Kobudo and Tameshiwari, with Sensei Phil Cox performing a multiple ice break.

Representing KIMAA on the mats were Kate Waspe, Chris Lindsay, Zac Curran and Deacon Thew. Lismore dojo head instructor Sensei Mark McFadden was a judge for Kata and Kumite events, Sempai Wally Gray was the ringside coach, and Sempai Trish Tan judged the Kumite events as well.

Congratulations to all the karateka who participated, and again for their results:

  • Kate came 2nd in the 7-9 years Kata division
  • Chris came 2nd in the male light weight advanced Kumite division
  • Zac came 3rd in the men’s novice Kumite division
  • and Deacon came 3rd in the men’s under 16s novice Kumite division.

Great effort by all at Lismore Dojo.

KIKO Kata & Kobudo Tournament – May 15, 2022

On Sunday May 15th, karateka from Turramurra Dojo competed in Kancho Doug Turnbull’s KIKO Kata & Kobudo Tournament in Tempe, Sydney.

Sempai Tony, Shihan James and Sensei Alex perform Seienchin.

Competitors ranged from the young to not-so-young, with entries in Kyokushin individual and group kata of various ages and belt levels, as well as Kobudo. 

The day began with a Bo staff demonstration by Shihan Mark Shelmerdine and Sensei Alex Lloyd, performing Kihon and Ufugusuku. They had to adapt their 3-man drill to a 2-man performance last minute when the third practitioner was unwell on the day.

This was followed by a special demonstration by Sempai Tony Kuo and his sons, Ethan and Ryan. The three performed Naihanchi kata, showing how Karate is a discipline that reaches across the years in spirit and appeal.

Sempai Tony Kuo with his sons, Ethan and Ryan, performing Naihanchi.

After the opening ceremony, the first competition division was Kobudo. Shihan Mark and Shihan James Sidwell each competed with the Bo, Sensei Alex with the Sai and Sempai Stephen Runge with the Eku. Thanks go to Shihan Rick Cunningham and Shihan Mark for ongoing instruction in International Hokama Kobudo.

After the weapons, the individual and group Karate kata followed. Each student performed admirably in their category, displaying outstanding technique, excellent focus and calm under pressure. In the adults, Shihan James Sidwell, Sensei Alex Lloyd and Sempai Tony Kuo performed Kyokushin kata, and in the kids were Maia Brown, Ethan Kuo, Ryan Kuo, Sophie Shi, Aaron Goh and Ashlee Kim. The following video is a brief highlights reel of each entry, as well as the opening demo.

From the various categories, Turramurra Dojo (Honbu KIMAA) students scored the following placements:

Kyokushin Adult Black Belt Group Kata
1st place Shihan James Sidwell, Sensei Alex Lloyd, Sempai Tony Kuo (Seienchin)

Kyokushin 11-12 years Group Kata 
1st place Maia Brown, Ethan Kuo, Ryan Kuo (Naihanchi)
2nd place Sophie Shi, Aaron Goh, Ashlee Kim (Tsukino)

Kyokushin Adult Black Belt Individual Kata
3rd Place Sempai Tony Kuo (Okinawan Seipai)

Kyokushin Intermediate Individual Kata
1st place Ryan Kuo (Gekusai Dai)
2nd place Maia Brown (Yantsu)
3rd place Ethan Kuo (Yantsu)

Congratulations to all who competed, and again to those who achieved placements. Thanks go to all instructors who helped students prepare for the day, with special acknowledgement to Shihan Idir Bahamid. It must be said that the most rewarding part of the tournament was not the day itself, but the lead up to it, for the Budo spirit in which each competitor prepared themselves week after week displayed true dedication to pursuing the martial way. The collegiality and camaraderie within the dojo is second-to-none, and head instructor and KIMAA Chairman Hanshi Howard Lipman could not be prouder of all his students. 

Kempo Ryu Karate Championships – March 20, 2022

On Sunday March 20th, four students from Hanshi Howard Lipman’s Turramurra Dojo competed in the 26th Karate Championships of Kempo Ryu (IKO), with Kancho Peter Mylonas hosting the event.

Sempai Josh Darley (white side, right) prepares to fight, with Sensei Alex Lloyd coaching.

The four KIMAA karateka represented our organisation in Kyokushin Karate. Sensei Ben Ng, Sempai Angus Sweeney and Alireza Miri competed in the Full Contact Kumite, Adults All Grades, Male Middleweight division. Sempai Josh Darley competed in both the Freestyle Kumite, 16-17 years (Colts), Blue to Black Belt, Male division, and in the Full Contact Kumite, 16-17 years (Colts), All Grades, Male Lightweight Division.

Hanshi Howard Lipman, his wife Masumi and Shihan Mark Shelmerdine were special guests on the VIP table. Shihan James Sidwell and Sensei Alex Lloyd coached the fighters, while Sempai Stephen Runge did the photography and videography. 

All students admirably represented KIMAA, facing strong opponents and displayed great budo and fighting spirit. 

Congratulations go to Sempai Josh, for placing Third in his Freestyle Colts Kumite division and Second in his Full Contact Colts division. Due to luck of the draw, Sempai Josh ended up having four fights in a row, drawing the praise of Kancho Mylonas and other senior instructors for his fierce fighting attitude and never backing down. 

Hanshi John Taylor, Shihan John Williams, Hanshi Howard Lipman, Shihan Jim Phillips and Shihan Mark Shelmerdine, among other VIPs, award trophies to the winners.

Congratulations also go to Sensei Ben and Ali, both fighting their way to the Final of the day’s main event: the Male Middleweight for Full Contact Kumite. After one extension, Ali’s persuasive kicks won the bout, leading KIMAA to take the top two spots of the division.

After having a notable period without tournament events due to the Covid situation, it was gratifying for all involved to be at a large event and compete against other martial artists. Hanshi Howard expresses his warm pride in all his students and coaches efforts.

Masumi Lipman, Sempai Angus Sweeney, Sempai Stephen Runge, Sempai Josh Darley, Hanshi Howard Lipman, Sensei Ben Ng, Sensei Alex Lloyd, Shihan James Sidwell and Shihan Mark Shelmerdine after the tournament. (Not pictured: Alireza Miri, division winner.)